Research projects

We are always looking to improve our knowledge and understanding and one of the most effective ways is by taking part in research projects.  For the 2024-25 academic year we are participating in the following studies


We are thrilled to be working in collaboration with Bradford 2025: UK City of Culture on a pioneering programme, showing that there’s no age limit to play!   With 19 other Bradford schools and residents of 20 nearby care homes to participate in play workshops as part of our Intergenerational Linking programme in Bradford.

Working alongside a creative practitioner, the two generations will begin by exploring the idea of ‘play’ in their respective environments, before joining up to play together. The sessions will be multi-sensory in their nature, using play as a mechanism for different generations to connect together and have fun. These unique interactions are designed to promote social inclusion and foster strong relationships between young and old, encouraging new connections that bridge the multi-generation gap – with benefits for the wellbeing of everyone involved.   As the famous psychologist Charles Schaefer says, “We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing.”



The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) is carrying out an independent evaluation of the Emotion Coaching (EC) training programme, which is being run in early years settings and nursery classes in primary schools by Emotion Coaching UK.  This programme is designed to facilitate early years educators to support and enhance young children’s personal, social and emotional development, including self-regulation. ECUK is delivering the programme in partnership with Norland College.