5th February 2024

Dear parents and carers

Re: Inspection of Hirst Wood Nursery School

We are delighted to share with you our inspection report.  The Board of Governors consider this an excellent achievement for the School and are exceptionally proud of all staff and children for their efforts during this inspection, the time leading up to the inspection, and the ongoing performance of the School. 

The report is extremely positive and highlights the many strengths of what is Hirst Wood Nursery School, not least the sense of community which is created by you and your family.   Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their feedback with the inspectors, both in person and via the survey.  The inspectors noted the strength of relationships, and how this contributes to each and every child being seen and valued.  They identified our wide range of expertise such as the bespoke personalised provision for children with SEND, our learning environments of enticing resources and our high-quality adult and child interactions supporting the ambitious curriculum for your children.

We hope that you will join us in being proud of our School and we will maintain our unwavering commitment to the highest quality of education, care and opportunity for every child.   We are always learning and developing to focus on improvement, with your children at the heart of everything that we do.

With continued thanks and best wishes

Ruth Trattles                                                                                       Jayne Taylor

Chair of Governors                                                                              Headteacher